Hello, the movie was almost orgasmic
I really liked it, don't be scared to do new things. I have made my own storyline :-).
Salad fingers: Hello!.. In our day we will be consuming Lemon Needle tea, >“Injects lemon tea into his mouth via a Needle.”
Salad fingers: Yuck! The bad flavor makes my mouth water. >“Walks out of his house only to find a fasted rabbit.”
Salad fingers: Hello young rabbit, what might you be doing here in such a predicament as you are in now? >“Rabbit jumps up and claws Salad fingers face.”
>“Salad fingers smiles and says laughingly:’ you do seem to be lacking in Vitamin C today, If I may be so bold to say you should come in and have Lemon Needle tea.
>’the rabbit runs in, jumps uncontrollably around the room then faints with hunger”
Salad fingers: Ohh gosh! Your covered in flees”.
>’Salad fingers puts his hand in the bunnies fur then the flees jump up his arm, and drink his blood” Salad finger’s happy sigh: Ahhhhhh!
>’Faints then starts dreaming of the Rusty magic round about with the magic roundabout theme playing”
>“Salad fingers sees the rusty screw man’ Hello, Do you come to this place often because I find it rather splendid here.
>”No reply from the screw man, just magic roundabout song playing”.
>”Salad fingers wakes up to find half his arm gone and His room covered in parasites”